G3-S SINGLE, DUAL and TRIPLE RATE SPRINGSHow many springs? Single rate springs are the most common. They are the best choice for most applications, particularly those with a linkage. In some cases like ATV Front and some Dual Shock Rears it is better to use dual rate springs. ATVs using a "Race" setup may be better with a triple rate spring set. More springs are not necessarily better. It is quite easy to be too progressive. Sometimes space limitations dictate the choice. Todd Davis and the technicians at Race Tech will determine the best available option and use it. When you purchase a shock that has previously been developed by Race Tech the preferred spring setup comes on the shock. This also means the price displayed in the ►Product Search already includes the preferred spring setup. ►Check Product Search for existing G3-S applications. A single rate spring is included in the Base Price of the shock. If we are developing a custom G3-S Shock for an "unlisted" or "non-standard" application and the it requires a dual or triple rate spring setup the pricing is as follows: Single Shocks ♦ Dual Rate Spring Set - add $50 Dual Shocks ♦ Dual Rate Spring Set - add $50 Note on shock body material - When using Dual and Triple Rate Spring Sets the preferred body material is steel. This weighs a little bit more but the increase in wear resistance far outweighs this. |